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Optical Sensing & Optical Communication

Compact silicon photonics-based multi laser module for sensing

On: Feb 28, 2018

In: Optical Sensing & Optical Communication

By: TeraXion

A compact three-laser source for optical sensing is presented. It is based on a low-noise implementation of the Pound-Drever-Hall method and comprises high-bandwidth optical phase-locked loops. The outputs from three semiconductor distributed feedback lasers, mounted on thermo-electric coolers (TEC), are coupled with micro-lenses into a silicon photonics (SiP) chip that performs beat note detection and several other functions. The chip comprises phase modulators, variable optical attenuators, multi-mode-interference couplers, variable ratio tap couplers, integrated photodiodes and optical fiber butt-couplers. Electrical connections between a metallized ceramic and the TECs, lasers and SiP chip are achieved by wirebonds. All these components stand within a 35 mm by 35 mm package which is interfaced with 90 electrical pins and two fiber pigtails. One pigtail carries the signals from a master and slave lasers, while another carries that from a second slave laser. The pins are soldered to a printed circuit board featuring a micro-processor that controls and monitors the system to ensure stable operation over fluctuating environmental conditions.
This highly adaptable multi-laser source can address various sensing applications requiring the tracking of up to three narrow spectral features with a high bandwidth. It is used to sense a fiber-based ring resonator emulating a resonant fiber optics gyroscope. The master laser is locked to the resonator with a loop bandwidth greater than 1 MHz. The slave lasers are offset frequency locked to the master laser with loop bandwidths greater than 100 MHz. This high performance source is compact, automated, robust, and remains locked for days.


S. Ayotte, F. Costin, A. Babin, G. Paré-Olivier, M. Morin, B. Filion, K. Bédard, P. Chrétien, G. Bilodeau, E. Girard-Deschênes, L.-P. Perron, C.-A. Davidson, D. D'Amato, M. Laplante, and J. Blanchet-Létourneau "Compact silicon photonics-based multi laser module for sensing", Proc. SPIE 10537, Silicon Photonics XIII, 1053717 (22 February 2018);

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